In total, 731 collections of psychoactive products were carried out under the OFDT's SINTES system in 2023, an increase of 17% compared to 2022.
10 thematic workbooks describing the national situation on drugs in France in 2023.
This briefing paper presents an overview and traces the main developments in the chemsex phenomenon in France over the past fifteen years.
In France, half of 17-year-olds have tried cigarettes, and nearly a third have tried cannabis. How do parents deal with this reality? The ARAMIS 2 survey questions parents of young consumers about parental control over their use.
This briefing paper aims to identify trends, and emerging and/or less widespread phenomena in the use of illicit drugs in Martinique in order to contribute to the understanding and knowledge of their developments in the longer term.
The OFDT presents the results of a survey on professional practices and care pathways for alcohol users within three medical addiction microstructures (MSMA).
OFDT has published its annual report on tobacco smoking and tobacco cessation in 2023 in France.
Results of the ESSPRI survey evidence a significant exposure to psychoactive substances among adult male inmates in mainland France, regardless of sentences lengths, irrespective of prison type and criminal status (awaiting trial or convicted).
The Tabatraj survey, conducted with approximately 70 participants who have recently quit smoking revealed that there are various and accumulative reasons for giving it up. Over time, smokers make several attempts to stop, and adjust their chosen cessation strategies
This year, 132 specialised drug treatment centres (CSAPA) participated in the RECAP survey (common data collection on addictions and treatments), out of a total of around 500 CSAPAs, providing data on more than 210 000 patients.
An overview of the criminal justice responses to offences related to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs since the 1990s.
2022 main observations of the OFDT's TREND scheme, which has been monitoring emerging phenomena and developments in the field of drugs (markets, users) since 1999:
This document provides an overview of the supply, uses, and the social and health consequences of alcohol consumption in France in 2022.
Behavioural addictions still make up a scientific and clinical field under construction, characterised by a low consensus level which results in large numbers of concepts, terms, definitions and measuring tools.
After 2020, a year marked by the health crisis - which severely restricted the supply of games - and 2021, a year marked by a “catch-up” effect, 2022 stands out for its high levels, with a strong recovery in casino activity and economic growth benefiting all gaming segments.
The study on the use of analgesic opioid medicines (EMOA) by the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) examines their prescription in general practice and the experiences of who consider themselves to be having difficulty with them in the treatment of chronic pain unrelated to cancer in France.
This review of the social science publications on trajectories to quit smoking begins with an account of surveys looking at methods used to help smokers quit and professionals involved in helping them. The second part of the report deals with studies analysing the impact of socioeconomic variables on smoking behaviour and/or cessation.
This report provides an overview of the supply, uses, and the social and health consequences of the use of tobacco in France in 2022. The data are compared with those for the period 2017-2022, in order to cover the entire period covered by the National Tobacco Control Program from 2018 to 2022.
The French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) publishes the first results of the Study on the use of analgesic opioid medicines (entitled EMOA).
The aim of this document is to present updated data on opioid substitution treatment in France. It is based on the latest available data, the year of which may vary from 2019 to 2022 depending on the source and the treatment period.