In fifteen years, chemsex practices have gained visibility.
The substances mostly consumed remain cathinones associated with GHB-GBL. Little observed until 2010, ketamine is now frequently present.
Less stigmatised, slam (injection of substances) is becoming more visible.
“Remote” chemsex practices (i.e. via screen) also constitute a notable trend that has increased during the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021.
The Internet remains a preferred means of access to most consumed products, with a diversification of reseller profiles and a sophistication of resale strategies on online dating applications, social networks and instant messaging.
Request for treatment varies greatly depending on the profile of the users. Emergency hospitalisations are reported in the event of physical damage, as well as emergency psychiatric care.
The cross-view of users and professionals in the medical-social sector makes it possible to identify risk reduction strategies, individual or collective, aimed at avoiding potential damage.