The OFDT, French national focal point

The OFDT is the French representative of the European Information Network on Drugs and Drug Addiction (REITOX), coordinated by the European Union Drug Agency (EUDA), an agency of the European Union.

Drapeau européen


The European Information Network on Drugs and Drug Addiction (REITOX) forms the central axis around which the work of the European Union Drugs Agency is organised.

The network is made up 27 National Focal Points in each of the European Union Member States. Norway, Turkey, and the European Commission are also members of the network.

Each of the centres, whose status varies from one country to another, is responsible for coordinating its national information system and sends updated and harmonised data to the EUDA each year.

Within this framework, the OFDT is contractually responsible for the annual production of reports on the state of the drugs phenomenon in France and key indicators, which feed into the EUDA’s European report on drugs the following year.


The statistical, documentary, and technical information processed or produced by the EUDA provides its audience with an overall picture of the drugs phenomenon in Europe. The EUDA website offers the following information:

  • detailed information on all aspects of drug use in Europe
  • a section devoted to the various policies and regulations in Europe
  • publications that can be downloaded in 5 languages, along with details of how to order printed versions
  • free access to the EUDA’s specialist databases
  • link to the various national drug information centres in Europe
  • links to the websites of numerous specialist organisations at European and international level
  • The annual European Drug Report: Trends and Developments presents the EUDA’s latest analysis of the drug situation in Europe. Focusing on illicit drug use, related harms and drug supply, the report contains a comprehensive set of national data across these themes and key harm reduction interventions. 
  • The annual Statistical Bulletin contains the most recent available data on the drug situation in Europe.