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Newsletter OFDT’s latest

OFDT's latest enables our English-speaking partners to be updated electronically on our latest publications and ongoing projects throughout the year.

Traitements de sevrage du tabac
  • To subscribe to OFDT's latest, please give us your email address at the bottom of this page.
  • To unsubscribe, please use the appropriate link at the end of a previous newsletter or use the online form at the very bottom of this page.

Previous issues of OFDT's latest are available here:

As part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the OFDT informs you that you have the right to access or rectify your data by writing to dpo [at] or to the following address:

OFDT - French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Données personnelles (Personal data)
69 rue de Varenne
75007 PARIS

The OFDT will keep your email address in its subscriber database for a period of 3 years, unless you decide to unsubscribe, or unless the OFDT receives an automatic message from your mail server ("bounce") indicating that your email address no longer exists, and it is not possible to know your new email address. You can unsubscribe at any time either through a written email or postal request, or online by clicking on the link in the footer of our emails with confirmation via the web page opened via this link. Every 3 years, the OFDT will contact you to ensure that you still want to be registered in our subscriber database.

The personal data you give the OFDT when subscribing are only intended to send you our electronic letter (OFDT’s latest) and are in no way used otherwise or shared with a third party.