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From November 2023 to November 2025, the OFDT is coordinating a comparison study on Audiovisual Digital Alcohol Marketing (ADAM) in France, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, and Switzerland.
This study is part of the International Comparison of Public Policies for Controlling the Attractiveness and Accessibility of Alcohol (CIPPAL) project. Its name is CIPPAL-ADAM.
It is the result of a consultation of French, European, and Quebec experts organised in 2022 to identify priority research questions in the field of alcohol compliance checks.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) and its member states consider that the commercial or public availability of alcohol is an essential public health lever for reducing alcohol-related harm (Babor, 2010 ; Babor et al., 2010 ; WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2021). Regulating the attractiveness of alcoholic products by regulating advertising and marketing is another lever considered a priority by the WHO. The protection of minors remains a major objective of these policies.
Health policies aimed at reducing alcohol-related harm fall within the OFDT's field of observation and are a central subject of its work programme for the period 2022-2025. Since 2015, the OFDT has been interested in young people's exposure to alcohol marketing approaches, by developing an exposure measurement module (FAMES) as part of the ESPAD surveys in 2015, ESCAPAD in 2017, and an observational study in supermarkets, music festivals, in sports environment, and on the internet in 2017-2019 (Mutatayi and Spilka, 2019, 2020).
The CIPPAL-ADAM study aims at answering the following research question:
“How do different national regulations on alcohol marketing and advertising via audiovisual media and the Internet influence teenagers and young adults’ awareness of and exposure to marketing channels? What are the differences and similarities? ”
The prefiguration study and the CIPPAL-ADAM study are supported by the Fund for Combating Addiction. Five European partners joined the OFDT to implement the study in their respective countries:
A common, mixed methodological protocol is being put in place in the six participating countries, based on common guidelines and tools for data collection and comparative analysis. Documentary, qualitative, and quantitative approaches will be combines.
By the end of 2025, the analysis should reveal the lessons to be learned from specific national experiences and the context in which they were implemented. It will support the levers for action, trade-offs, and considerations involved in public policy choices (articulations of health, economic, and public order considerations, etc.). It will seek to identify the social acceptability of these policies to young people and compare levels of exposure to audiovisual and digital marketing in favour of alcohol.
Links accessible on 27/03/2024
Babor T. (2010) Alcohol: no ordinary commodity - A summary of the second edition. Addiction, Vol. 105, n°5, p.769-779.
Babor T., Caetano R., Casswell S., Edwards G., Giesbrecht N., Graham K. (2010) Alcohol: no ordinary commodity - Research and public policy. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
WHO Regional Office for Europe (2021)Making the WHO European region safer: Developments in alcohol control policies, 2010-2019. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 62p.