Organisation of the OFDT

Since 1996, the OFDT has had a general mission under its founding agreement, which is to enlighten its members and, consequently, the public authorities, as well as professionals in the field and the general public, on the phenomenon of licit and illicit drugs and addiction trends.

Since 1996, the OFDT has had a general mission under its founding agreement, which is to enlighten its founding members and, consequently, the public authorities, as well as professionals in the field and the general public, on the phenomenon of licit and illicit drugs and addiction trends.

In 2021, to take account of the extension of its remit to include monitoring of gambling, the OFDT changed its name and underwent other institutional changes. Its constituent agreement was endorsed by a Prime Ministerial Order the 23 November 2021.

The General Assembly is the group's decision-making body

Ms. Isabelle Lonvis-Rome, First President of the Chamber of Versailles Court of Appeal, was elected Chair of the General Assembly in March 2024.

Three other qualified persons were recently appointed to the General Assembly for a 3-year term of office (starting in March 2022). Ms. Valérie Sagant, magistrate, director of the GIP Institut des études et de la recherche sur le droit et la justice (IERDJ); Ms Camille Spire, president of the AIDES association; Mr Nicolas Simon, hospital practitioner-university professor, Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille.

The Scientific Committee guarantees the OFDT’s scientific independence

The OFDT relies on a Scientific Committee board of 20 members, chaired since 2021 by Fabien Jobard, sociologist and director of research at the CNRS, and made up of people chosen for their recognised expertise in the fields covered by the OFDT’s missions.

OFDT’ staff

The OFDT has been directed by Dr Guillaume Airagnes since 1 September 2023. Dr Guillaume Airagnes is a psychiatrist and addiction specialist, lecturer, and hospital physician at the Université Paris Cité. He is also a former member of the OFDT Scientific committee. He is assisted by a deputy director, Ivana Obradovic, a political scientist specialising in the analysis of drug-related public policies.

The OFDT is organised into 3 units (two scientific units and a general secretariat) and its work is carried out by  a team of 30 people, mainly focused on the production of studies using mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) and the promotion of knowledge.

The OFDT’s three-year work programme for 2022-2024 received a favourable opinion from the Scientific board and was approved by the General Assembly in March 2022.

The OFDT is mainly funded by the subsidy for public service charges paid by the Interministerial Mission for Combating Drugs and Addictive Behaviours, MILDECAand contributions from its members, as well as credits from the European Drugs Agency, EUDA Since 2019, the Funds for Combating Addiction has also increased funding for the OFDT's multi-year research programme.