In total, 731 collections of psychoactive products were carried out under the OFDT's SINTES system in 2023, an increase of 17% compared to 2022.
10 thematic workbooks describing the national situation on drugs in France in 2023.
This briefing paper aims to identify trends, and emerging and/or less widespread phenomena in the use of illicit drugs in Martinique in order to contribute to the understanding and knowledge of their developments in the longer term.
The OFDT presents the results of a survey on professional practices and care pathways for alcohol users within three medical addiction microstructures (MSMA).
2022 main observations of the OFDT's TREND scheme, which has been monitoring emerging phenomena and developments in the field of drugs (markets, users) since 1999:
This review of the social science publications on trajectories to quit smoking begins with an account of surveys looking at methods used to help smokers quit and professionals involved in helping them. The second part of the report deals with studies analysing the impact of socioeconomic variables on smoking behaviour and/or cessation.
What is 3-MMC? What do the analyses of the SINTES network reveal? What are the uses observed by TREND?
Assessment of developments in use and access to care, marked by the health crisis linked to Covid-19.
This note first reviews the process of administrative recognition of the status of unaccompanied minors and the socio-demographic characterisation of this population.
In French Polynesia, a major concern has arisen in recent years about the use of methamphetamine, imported from the United States in the form of crystals, known as “ice”.
Since 1999, the monitoring carried out by the Emerging Trends and New Drugs (TREND) scheme of the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) has made it possible to describe the population groups that are particularly dependent on psychoactive substances and to identify emerging phenomena in the field of illicit drugs and diverted medicines.
The aim of this Théma is to provide an overview of the situations and problems currently observed in the French overseas territories with regard to drugs and addictions, based on the most recent statistical data and the main studies carried out in these territories.
Since 1999, the Emerging Trends and New Drugs (TREND) scheme of the OFDT has been monitoring emerging phenomena and developments in the field of drugs.
On the 20th anniversary of the Emerging Trends and New Drugs (TREND) scheme and the National Detection System of Drugs and Toxic Substances (SINTES), the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) looks back on two decades of drug monitoring.
Bulletin TREND | COVID-19 n°2. The development of the COVID-19 epidemic and the implementation of lockdown measures by the French public authorities in mid-March 2020 changed the consumption practices of drug users and disrupted the activities of trafficking networks.
Bulletin TREND | COVID-19 n°1. The development of the COVID-19 epidemic and the implementation of lockdown measures by the French public authorities in mid-March 2020 changed the consumption practices of a large proportion of drug users and disrupted the activities of trafficking networks.
Since 1999, the Emerging Trends and New Drugs (TREND) unit of the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) has been monitoring emerging trends and phenomena in the field of drugs.
Since 1999, the OFDT TREND scheme (Emerging Trends and New Drugs) has been monitoring current trends and those concerning emerging phenomena in the field of drugs.
Support centres for the reduction of drug-related harms (CAARUDs) are designed to carry out harm reduction measures aimed at psychoactive substance users. Tendances No 120 presents the 2015 results of a national survey of users attending these centres, named "ENa-CAARUD".
Since 1999, the Emerging Trends and New Drugs (TREND scheme) of the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) has been monitoring recent and emerging phenomena in the field of drug use.