Annual review of the TREND scheme on drug use and users in a health crisis content

Since 1999, the monitoring carried out by the Emerging Trends and New Drugs (TREND) scheme of the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) has made it possible to describe the population groups that are particularly dependent on psychoactive substances and to identify emerging phenomena in the field of illicit drugs and diverted medicines.

This information, gathered from a wide range of stakeholders (users, social and health workers, law enforcement officers, etc.), focuses on urban fringe spaces (streets, squats, user reception facilities, drug dealing areas) and techno party settings (alternative, commercial, gay, gay-friendly recreational settings). All of the findings are intended to inform professionals in contact with users and the public responses that are put in place.

The most precarious users made vulnerable by the health crisis

The health crisis has led to persistent difficulties in accessing economic resources, social rights and care for drug users in very precarious situations (living on the streets, in squats, temporary or emergency accommodation, etc.).

A difficult adaptation of professional practices in addiction medicine and harm reduction

During the first lockdown (spring 2020), harm reduction and addiction medicine stakeholders focused on some of their missions (distributing safer injection equipment, satisfying primary needs, maintaining the continuity of consultations and dispensing substitution and psychotropic drugs).

Patterns of use in recreational settings marked by health restrictions

The closure of recreational venues has led some users to meet in dwellings. These private parties based on acquaintance and co-optation were characterised by the absence of a substantial sound system, and of sufficient dance spaces due to the cramped conditions of dwellings, but also the possibility of unconcealed drug use.

Changes in the drug supply in 2020

The various TREND sites underline that the travel restrictions introduced as part of the public health emergency had little overall effect on the availability of drugs in 2020, with the exception of the start of the first lockdown. 

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Products & addictions
Benzodiazepines and gabapentinoids
Cocaine and crack
MDMA/ecstasy and amphetamine
New Psychoactive Substances
Specific population(s)
Festive settings
Vulnerable groups
Dispositif d'enquête et d'observation
Sociological and qualitative surveys