In total, 731 collections of psychoactive products were carried out under the OFDT's SINTES system in 2023, an increase of 17% compared to 2022.
10 thematic workbooks describing the national situation on drugs in France in 2023.
In France, half of 17-year-olds have tried cigarettes, and nearly a third have tried cannabis. How do parents deal with this reality? The ARAMIS 2 survey questions parents of young consumers about parental control over their use.
This briefing paper aims to identify trends, and emerging and/or less widespread phenomena in the use of illicit drugs in Martinique in order to contribute to the understanding and knowledge of their developments in the longer term.
The 2022-2023 National Adolescent Health and Substance Use Survey in Middle and High Schools (EnCLASS) interviewed a representative sample of pupils enrolled in high schools about their health, lifestyle habits, and possible use of psychoactive substances.
Results of the ESSPRI survey evidence a significant exposure to psychoactive substances among adult male inmates in mainland France, regardless of sentences lengths, irrespective of prison type and criminal status (awaiting trial or convicted).
Ivana Obradovic, OFDT Deputy Director, sheds light on these two terms, often a source of confusion in the public debate.
In this video, Ivana Obradovic, OFDT Deputy Director, discusses the legalisation of cannabis, outlining its objectives and challenges in the United States and Canada.
This year, 132 specialised drug treatment centres (CSAPA) participated in the RECAP survey (common data collection on addictions and treatments), out of a total of around 500 CSAPAs, providing data on more than 210 000 patients.
For the past two decades the Survey on Health and Use on National Defence and Citizenship Day (ESCAPAD) conducted by the OFDT has made it possible to quantify the use of psychoactive substance by 17-year-olds at a regional level.
An overview of the criminal justice responses to offences related to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs since the 1990s.
Psychoactive substance use among middle school and high school students: results of the EnCLASS 2022 survey.
A total of 623 psychoactive products were collected under the SINTES scheme in 2022, an increase of 18% compared with the previous year.
2022 main observations of the OFDT's TREND scheme, which has been monitoring emerging phenomena and developments in the field of drugs (markets, users) since 1999:
Based on a research work coordinated by the OFDT, this issue of Tendances shows that cannabis regulation raised both traditional drug policy implementation challenges and unique challenges.
Based on a research work coordinated by the OFDT, this issue of Tendances describes the structure and methods of cannabis regulation from a public health perspective, comparing six jurisdictions in the United States (Washington State, Oregon, California) and Canada (British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec).
Among the range of cannabis regulatory systems introduced in North America, the example of British Columbia demonstrates a cautious regulatory approach, centred on the gradual introduction of cannabis on the market, which is designed to be reasonable and guided by a step-by-step evaluation of the reform.
Canada legalised cannabis for non-medical use in October 2018. While the federal government organises the production of cannabis, it has left it up to its 13 provinces and territories to define a distribution and retail model. Ontario, the most populous province and largest cannabis market in Canada, is at the forefront of this process.
Quebec was one of the most reluctant provinces when the federal government announced its decision to legalise cannabis for non-medical use.
In March 2022, the ESCAPAD survey interviewed a representative sample of 23 701 French girls and boys with an average age of 17.4 years.