10 thematic workbooks describing the national situation on drugs in France in 2023.
In France, half of 17-year-olds have tried cigarettes, and nearly a third have tried cannabis. How do parents deal with this reality? The ARAMIS 2 survey questions parents of young consumers about parental control over their use.
This briefing paper aims to identify trends, and emerging and/or less widespread phenomena in the use of illicit drugs in Martinique in order to contribute to the understanding and knowledge of their developments in the longer term.
The 2022-2023 National Adolescent Health and Substance Use Survey in Middle and High Schools (EnCLASS) interviewed a representative sample of pupils enrolled in high schools about their health, lifestyle habits, and possible use of psychoactive substances.
OFDT has published its annual report on tobacco smoking and tobacco cessation in 2023 in France.
The end of adolescence is the window of opportunity to try out gambling, the early and repetitive practice of which is likely to lead to problem gambling, much as the use of psychoactive substances.
For the past two decades the Survey on Health and Use on National Defence and Citizenship Day (ESCAPAD) conducted by the OFDT has made it possible to quantify the use of psychoactive substance by 17-year-olds at a regional level.
Psychoactive substance use among middle school and high school students: results of the EnCLASS 2022 survey.
This document provides an overview of the supply, uses, and the social and health consequences of alcohol consumption in France in 2022.
For the third time after 2011 and 2017, the OFDT has administered a module of questions in the ESCAPAD survey on gambling practices among 17-year-old adolescents.
Behavioural addictions still make up a scientific and clinical field under construction, characterised by a low consensus level which results in large numbers of concepts, terms, definitions and measuring tools.
After 2020, a year marked by the health crisis - which severely restricted the supply of games - and 2021, a year marked by a “catch-up” effect, 2022 stands out for its high levels, with a strong recovery in casino activity and economic growth benefiting all gaming segments.
This report provides an overview of the supply, uses, and the social and health consequences of the use of tobacco in France in 2022. The data are compared with those for the period 2017-2022, in order to cover the entire period covered by the National Tobacco Control Program from 2018 to 2022.
In March 2022, the ESCAPAD survey interviewed a representative sample of 23 701 French girls and boys with an average age of 17.4 years.
What is 3-MMC? What do the analyses of the SINTES network reveal? What are the uses observed by TREND?
This briefing from the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) provides an overview of the supply, uses, and the social and health consequences of alcohol consumption in France in 2021.
This note first reviews the process of administrative recognition of the status of unaccompanied minors and the socio-demographic characterisation of this population.
This assessment offers a summarised view of gambling based on the latest available data.
The OFDT has published Tendances No. 151 on the reasons behind the diverted use of nitrous oxide understood through user experiences.
In the spring of 2021 the OFDT carried out a qualitative study among 30 adolescents aged between 11 and 15 to explore the attractions of video games for adolescents and pre-adolescents and how these video games fit into their daily lives.