In total, 731 collections of psychoactive products were carried out under the OFDT's SINTES system in 2023, an increase of 17% compared to 2022.
10 thematic workbooks describing the national situation on drugs in France in 2023.
This briefing paper presents an overview and traces the main developments in the chemsex phenomenon in France over the past fifteen years.
For the past two decades the Survey on Health and Use on National Defence and Citizenship Day (ESCAPAD) conducted by the OFDT has made it possible to quantify the use of psychoactive substance by 17-year-olds at a regional level.
Psychoactive substance use among middle school and high school students: results of the EnCLASS 2022 survey.
A total of 623 psychoactive products were collected under the SINTES scheme in 2022, an increase of 18% compared with the previous year.
2022 main observations of the OFDT's TREND scheme, which has been monitoring emerging phenomena and developments in the field of drugs (markets, users) since 1999:
In March 2022, the ESCAPAD survey interviewed a representative sample of 23 701 French girls and boys with an average age of 17.4 years.
This report of the RECAP survey (common data collection on addictions and treatments) reviews the main recent changes in the statistics on people with addictive behaviour problems accompanied and cared for by teams from specialised drug treatment centres (CSAPA in French).
Assessment of developments in use and access to care, marked by the health crisis linked to Covid-19.
Since 1999, the Emerging Trends and New Drugs (TREND) scheme of the OFDT has been monitoring emerging phenomena and developments in the field of drugs.
Since 1999, the Emerging Trends and New Drugs (TREND) unit of the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) has been monitoring emerging trends and phenomena in the field of drugs.
Since 1999, the Emerging Trends and New Drugs (TREND) scheme of the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) has been monitoring emerging trends and phenomena in the field of drugs in order to limit the time between their occurrence and their consideration by the public authorities.
Results of the 4th national survey among users seen in harm reduction facilities (CAARUD).
This issue of Tendances focuses on the key results of the fourteenth annual TREND scheme (Emerging Trends and New Drugs) and the scheme's seven sites.
This briefing produced by the OFDT's TREND (Emerging trends and new drugs) Unit focuses on ketamine, a veterinary and human anaesthetic.
The TREND scheme (Emerging Trends and New Drugs) established by the OFDT in 1999 endeavours to detect emerging phenomena and trends in illegal drug use, including trends in substances, supply, routes of administration and user profiles.
The status of CAARUD (Support Centres for the Reduction of Drug-related Harms) has been accessible since 2006 to structures (e.g., "drop-in", needle exchange programmes, street teams and mediation teams) that carry out drug-related harm reduction missions.
The profile and practices of drug users from the national users survey of the harm reduction facilities, Reception and Harm Reduction Support Centres (CAARUD).
This issue of Tendances presents the main results from the Recent Trends & New Drugs scheme (TREND) for 2006 in addition to the initial observations for 2007, which are currently being analysed by the various sites in the TREND network.