10 thematic workbooks describing the national situation on drugs in France in 2023.
An overview of the criminal justice responses to offences related to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs since the 1990s.
In recent years (2016-2020), an average of 180 000 people have been arrested every year by law enforcement services (police and gendarmerie) for a drug law offence in France.
Based mainly on data published by the WHO, this note aims to provide an overview of the main legislative and regulatory measures taken by the different EU countries to reduce harmful alcohol consumption.
This summary covers the main contributions from a collective OFDT publication entitled "Drogues et addictions, données essentielles" issued in April 2019.
The laws governing cannabis use, tolerated in some countries yet totally banned in others, vary significantly from one European Union country to another.
Since 2007, OFDT has been publishing Drugs, Key Data, an overall perspective digest with the most recent and detailed facts and figures.
This issue of Tendances examines law enforcement on driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, reviewing the most recent trends in road traffic controls and driving under the influence enforcement, as well as the criminal justice system response to these specific alcohol and drug issues.
The Hospital, Patients, Health and Territories law of July 21, 2009 (the so-called "HPST law") established a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products to all minors.
The purpose of this publication is to periodically collect the most recent and most relevant key quantitative indicators of drug use, whether illegal substances, tobacco, alcohol or psychotropic medicines.
Since the French "delinquency prevention act" of 5 March 2007, which mainly aimed to "increase the efficacy of the legal system's handling of drug addiction", people arrested for narcotics possession and use can now be ordered by the courts to undergo an "awareness course on the dangers of drug and alcohol use".
Forty years after the passing of the original 31 December 1970 law prohibiting drug use, this issue of Tendances analyses the trends in arrests for narcotics use and the subsequent sentences handed down by the French legal system.
The aim of this document is to illustrate the different aspects of the situation of cannabis in France (consumption, market, risks and consequences, public policy, etc.).
Four years after an initial survey into the application of the "Evin law" in high schools, a new survey examines changes in the rules concerning tobacco and its uses.
This report tries to bring about some facts to answer three basic questions: how many people use drugs in France, as regards a single experience or a more regular one? Which users are in trouble? Which sanitary, social and legal damages are caused by these uses?
The fourth edition of this report provides a clearer picture of the extent and complexity of the drug problem, how it has evolved over the past few years, and the measures implemented. The aim of this document is to put all the available knowledge into perspective.
The French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addictions (OFDT) is publishing the third edition of its report, "Drugs and Drug Addictions - Indicators and Trends".
In this report, a multi-disciplinary attempt to synthesize available data and analyses on drugs and drug addiction has been made, in order to avoid the usual over-segmented approaches taken in this field.