The end of adolescence is the window of opportunity to try out gambling, the early and repetitive practice of which is likely to lead to problem gambling, much as the use of psychoactive substances.
For the third time after 2011 and 2017, the OFDT has administered a module of questions in the ESCAPAD survey on gambling practices among 17-year-old adolescents.
Behavioural addictions still make up a scientific and clinical field under construction, characterised by a low consensus level which results in large numbers of concepts, terms, definitions and measuring tools.
After 2020, a year marked by the health crisis - which severely restricted the supply of games - and 2021, a year marked by a “catch-up” effect, 2022 stands out for its high levels, with a strong recovery in casino activity and economic growth benefiting all gaming segments.
This report of the RECAP survey (common data collection on addictions and treatments) reviews the main recent changes in the statistics on people with addictive behaviour problems accompanied and cared for by teams from specialised drug treatment centres (CSAPA in French).
A review of the international literature on online sports betting demonstrates that current knowledge about so-called “problem” sports betting remains largely unknown. Although the data is incomplete among the general population, “excessive” practices have nevertheless been noted, in particular through surveys of Internet users.
This issue of Tendances No. 152 presents the results of the E-Games survey conducted in 2021 with 1 983 panelists.
This assessment offers a summarised view of gambling based on the latest available data.
In the spring of 2021 the OFDT carried out a qualitative study among 30 adolescents aged between 11 and 15 to explore the attractions of video games for adolescents and pre-adolescents and how these video games fit into their daily lives.
This document, produced in collaboration with the Regional Health Observatories of Martinique, French Guiana and Réunion, presents the results of the EnCLASS 2021 survey in these three territories.
This 2022 edition provides an overall perspective digest in 8 pages with the most recent and detailed facts and figures.
First results of the EnCLASS survey among 2 000 ninth grade students.
The aim of this Théma is to provide an overview of the situations and problems currently observed in the French overseas territories with regard to drugs and addictions, based on the most recent statistical data and the main studies carried out in these territories.
The Covid-19 pandemic is the origin of a health crisis that has led to more than 848 000 deaths worldwide in seven months, including more than 30 000 in France.
Monitoring gambling practices among French adults have been carried out in France since 2010, thanks to the Santé publique France (SpF) Barometer which includes a survey component focusing on gambling activities.
In 2017, in order to contribute to reflection on so-called "substance-free" addictions among adolescents, the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) integrated a new module on the use of various electronic devices with screens into its Survey on Health and Use on National Defence and Citizenship Day (ESCAPAD).
This summary covers the main contributions from a collective OFDT publication entitled "Drogues et addictions, données essentielles" issued in April 2019.
Since 2005, the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) has been responsible for evaluating the youth addiction outpatient clinics (CJC) scheme, an initiative launched in 2004 by the French Ministry of Health, in conjunction with the French Interministerial Mission for Combating Drugs and Addictive Behaviours (MILDECA).
Given more intense illegal online gambling and in response to high European demand to open the gambling market to competition, on 12 May 2010 France opened "a controlled online gambling market to competition" in three areas: sports betting, horse race betting and poker.
In France, there have been several recent public reports (Trucy, 2006; INSERM, 2008) on gambling.