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In this report, a multi-disciplinary attempt to synthesize available data and analyses on drugs and drug addiction has been made, in order to avoid the usual over-segmented approaches taken in this field.
The analysis of perceptions and opinions of the general population toward drugs should be considered a helpful tool in decision making.
The French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addictions (OFDT) is publishing the third edition of its report, "Drugs and Drug Addictions - Indicators and Trends".
These last years, synthetic drug use has been presented as a new phenomenon, whose consequences are impossible to foresee.
Heroin modes of administration which have developed in he Netherlands, Great Britain, and the United States can be observed in order to understand the French situation better.
The French population perceptions and opinions concerning drugs and drug addiction have been studied through a general population survey carried out in April 1999 (the EROPP survey).
Since 1997 the OFDT has set up a perennial device based upon national general population surveys for observing drug-related uses, behaviours, and opinions.
The trends presented here are stemming from the TREND scheme (Recent Trend and New Drugs).
In April 1999, the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) carried out a survey based on the opinions and perceptions relating to drugs and drug addiction.
The analysis of the relationships between alcohol and various "high-risk" or "problematic" behaviours has focused upon measuring a connection.
The survey, whose results are shown here, was carried out within the context of the Journée d'appel de préparation à la défense (JAPD, Roll Call Day of Preparation for Defence) established by the October 28th, 1997 law (pertaining to the French National Service).
In Europe, France and the Netherlands both stand for opposite models of drug policies as far as public opinion is concerned.
The Institute for Health Monitoring (InVS) recently published a two volume report entitled "Contribution to the Evaluation of the Policy for Risk Reduction: SIAMOIS".
Sport is often associated with positive values in terms of health, well-being and social integration. Advertisements aimed at prevention of drug use sometimes present sport as an alternative.
Although the forms and organisation of drug trafficking in France obviously have their own logic, they are also the consequence of a public policy and the ways in which the institutions responsible have implemented this policy.
This summary sets out the observations from the second year of operation of the TREND scheme (Recent trends and new drugs).
Levels of use of alcohol, tobacco and psychotropic drugs do not come within the same context and do not even have the same history. However these three substances have at least two points in common: their use is legal and they are the only psychoactive products still used beyond the age of 60 years.
The use of illicit drugs and criminality enjoy powerful media visibility and give the curious bystanders something to talk about; they fascinate and at the same time arouse fear and incomprehension.
Monitoring drug-using patients in general medicine: qualitative approach. Psychotropic drugs and dependence: users profiles and behaviour patterns.
Since 1995, the French monitoring center for drugs and drug addiction (OFDT), has been assigned the task of publishing a regular report on the state of the phenomenon of drugs and dependence.