In 2021, the quantities seized by the police, the gendarmerie and customs have reached unprecedented levels for marijuana, cocaine and even heroin. In addition, the levels of substances circulating the country from cannabis resin and heroin to cocaine and MDMA/ecstasy are high, while retail prices are fairly stable or down slightly.
The 2022-2023 National Adolescent Health and Substance Use Survey in Middle and High Schools (EnCLASS) interviewed a representative sample of pupils enrolled in high schools about their health, lifestyle habits, and possible use of psychoactive substances.
This note first reviews the process of administrative recognition of the status of unaccompanied minors and the socio-demographic characterisation of this population.
Results of the ESSPRI survey evidence a significant exposure to psychoactive substances among adult male inmates in mainland France, regardless of sentences lengths, irrespective of prison type and criminal status (awaiting trial or convicted).
What is 3-MMC? What do the analyses of the SINTES network reveal? What are the uses observed by TREND?
Psychoactive substance use among middle school and high school students: results of the EnCLASS 2022 survey.
In the 2000s, Brazil was confronted with the expansion of crack cocaine use, particularly among disadvantaged groups in its main urban centres.
The international landscape is becoming more complex and polarised on legislative drug issues, as the last Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) has shown.
In recent years (2016-2020), an average of 180 000 people have been arrested every year by law enforcement services (police and gendarmerie) for a drug law offence in France.
In March 2022, the ESCAPAD survey interviewed a representative sample of 23 701 French girls and boys with an average age of 17.4 years.
Bulletin TREND | COVID-19 n°1. The development of the COVID-19 epidemic and the implementation of lockdown measures by the French public authorities in mid-March 2020 changed the consumption practices of a large proportion of drug users and disrupted the activities of trafficking networks.
The epidemic of opioid overdose deaths in the United States highlights the issue of drug-related deaths.
The objective of this issue of Drugs, international challenges is to take stock of the relations sustained by drug control and development policies, initially returning to the concept of "alternative development" so as to clarify its intricacies and limitations.
The aim of this document is to present updated data on opioid substitution treatment in France. It is based on the latest available data, the year of which may vary from 2019 to 2022 depending on the source and the treatment period.
The fourth edition of this report provides a clearer picture of the extent and complexity of the drug problem, how it has evolved over the past few years, and the measures implemented. The aim of this document is to put all the available knowledge into perspective.
The end of adolescence is the window of opportunity to try out gambling, the early and repetitive practice of which is likely to lead to problem gambling, much as the use of psychoactive substances.
Since 2007, OFDT has been publishing Drugs, Key Data, an overall perspective digest with the most recent and detailed facts and figures.
This 30-page document gives an estimate, between 210 000 and 250 000 problem drug users, based on data from 2006 and different methods.
Since 1999, the OFDT has been quantifying the opinions and perceptions of the French population on drugs and related public policies through the EROPP survey (Survey on representations, opinions and perceptions regarding psychoactive drugs).
This report tries to bring about some facts to answer three basic questions: how many people use drugs in France, as regards a single experience or a more regular one? Which users are in trouble? Which sanitary, social and legal damages are caused by these uses?