The 2022-2023 National Adolescent Health and Substance Use Survey in Middle and High Schools (EnCLASS) interviewed a representative sample of pupils enrolled in high schools about their health, lifestyle habits, and possible use of psychoactive substances.
For the past two decades the Survey on Health and Use on National Defence and Citizenship Day (ESCAPAD) conducted by the OFDT has made it possible to quantify the use of psychoactive substance by 17-year-olds at a regional level.
Psychoactive substance use among middle school and high school students: results of the EnCLASS 2022 survey.
2022 main observations of the OFDT's TREND scheme, which has been monitoring emerging phenomena and developments in the field of drugs (markets, users) since 1999:
The OFDT has published Tendances No. 151 on the reasons behind the diverted use of nitrous oxide understood through user experiences.
This document, produced in collaboration with the Regional Health Observatories of Martinique, French Guiana and Réunion, presents the results of the EnCLASS 2021 survey in these three territories.
First results of the EnCLASS survey among 2 000 ninth grade students.
Since 1999, the Emerging Trends and New Drugs (TREND) scheme of the OFDT has been monitoring emerging phenomena and developments in the field of drugs.
Since 1999, the Emerging Trends and New Drugs (TREND) unit of the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) has been monitoring emerging trends and phenomena in the field of drugs.
This summary covers the main contributions from a collective OFDT publication entitled "Drogues et addictions, données essentielles" issued in April 2019.
Since 1999, the Emerging Trends and New Drugs (TREND) scheme of the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) has been monitoring emerging trends and phenomena in the field of drugs in order to limit the time between their occurrence and their consideration by the public authorities.
This issue presents a summary of the data and results obtained from the TREND scheme (Recent trends and new drugs) of the French monitoring center for drugs and drug addiction (OFDT) in 2001.