How does the OFDT conduct surveys with its European partners?
Unlike in other parts of the world, poppy cultivation and opium use are recent phenomena in Mexican history.
This thirteenth issue of Drugs, International Challenges is devoted to the prevailing situation in terms of drug trafficking, drug use and public policies in Georgia, a Caucasian country with a population of 3.7 million.
The international landscape is becoming more complex and polarised on legislative drug issues, as the last Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) has shown.
The epidemic of opioid overdose deaths in the United States highlights the issue of drug-related deaths.
The objective of this issue of Drugs, international challenges is to take stock of the relations sustained by drug control and development policies, initially returning to the concept of "alternative development" so as to clarify its intricacies and limitations.
This briefing is structured in three parts. It first presents the international legislative framework established by the United Nations and the European Union and laid down in three treaties: the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (amended by the 1972 protocol), the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances and the 1988 Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and…
Precursor trafficking draws little attention as efforts are focused on seizures of finished products listed as narcotics. Yet, this trafficking is a reality that now touches all continents and makes use of all major global trade routes.
This document describes a method making it possible to generate a new estimate of the number of regular users of opioids, cocaine or amphetamines experiencing major health or social problems due to their drug use.
The use of illicit drugs and criminality enjoy powerful media visibility and give the curious bystanders something to talk about; they fascinate and at the same time arouse fear and incomprehension.
Heroin modes of administration which have developed in he Netherlands, Great Britain, and the United States can be observed in order to understand the French situation better.