For the past two decades the Survey on Health and Use on National Defence and Citizenship Day (ESCAPAD) conducted by the OFDT has made it possible to quantify the use of psychoactive substance by 17-year-olds at a regional level.
The aim of this Théma is to provide an overview of the situations and problems currently observed in the French overseas territories with regard to drugs and addictions, based on the most recent statistical data and the main studies carried out in these territories.
Every four years, the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) survey analyses and compares psychoactive substance use among 16-year-olds in more than 30 European countries.
Exploiting the 2002-2003 ESCAPAD survey in metropolitan France and French overseas departments.
The 2003 ESCAPAD survey stands for the fourth edition of this investigation carried out among teenagers attending their JAPD (Journée d'appel de préparation à la Défense; Roll Call Day).