Guillaume Airagnes

Strategic leadership - institutional representation - REITOX focal point manager

Guillaume Airagnes is a Doctor of Medicine specialising in psychiatry and addictology, with a doctorate in epidemiology from the École Doctorale en Santé Publique. A senior lecturer at the Université Paris Cité and head of the Addictology at the Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou (Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris), Guillaume Airagnes has been seconded to manage the OFDT. 

His research activities at INSERM (UMS011, Population Epidemiological Cohorts) focus on the epidemiology of addictive behaviour in the general population, particularly in relation to socio-demographic and psychosocial factors. Guillaume Airagnes has been a member of the OFDT’s Scientific Committee since March 2021. As director of the public interest group, he has moral responsibility for it.

He has authority over all OFDT staff and is responsible for developing the multi-year work programme in conjunction with the deputy director and the entire team, with the advice from the Scientific Committee. He is head of the national focal point for the European Information Network on Drugs and Drug Addiction (REITOX) of the European Drugs Agency (EMCDDA).