Cindy Feng

Research Officer 
Toxicology of psychoactive substances (support for the SINTES scheme) 
Health data science (SNDS processing)

Cindy Feng

An engineering graduate of INP-ENSIACET, a school specialising in chemistry, and having completed a masters in toxicology at the University of Birmingham, Cindy is on charge of studies on the toxicology of psychoactive substances and health data science. 

On the one hand, she is reinforcing the FOCUS unit in the coordination of the National Detection System of Drugs and Toxic Substances (SINTES), providing support in coordinating the regional network and partner laboratories, receiving data, and contributing to the analysis work. She also ensures that the SINTES scheme contributes to health monitoring of new psychoactive substances.

On the other hand, trained in data science as part of her engineering course, she is also responsible for statistical indicators derived from the National Health Data System (SNDS), and as such works directly with the DATA unit. 

She manages and processes large-scale health data, and develops and monitors indicators relating to opiate substitution treatments and issues relating to treatment pathways and mortality/morbidity of people with addiction problems.