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Statistics on people receiving care in specialised drug treatment centres in 2020

In a glimpse, OFDT, 1 p.
February 2023

This report of the RECAP survey (common data collection on addictions and treatments) reviews the main recent changes in the statistics on people with addictive behaviour problems accompanied and cared for by teams from specialised drug treatment centres (CSAPA in French). The RECAP data contribute to the Treatment Demand Indicator (TDI) that the OFDT provides each year for the EMCDDA European Drugs Agency.

In 2020, 267 treatment centres took part in the RECAP survey, out of a total of around 500 treatment centres, including their various branches, providing data on more than 203 000 patients, including 73 000 patients seen for the first time in a treatment centre in 2020. The median age of patients is 40, and three-quarters of them are men. More than half of the patients seen in 2020 consult a treatment centre due to the use of alcohol and/or tobacco (around 86 000), 17% due to their use of cannabis, (nearly 28 000), and 28% due to illicit substances other than cannabis (46 000 patients). Of these, 41% use heroin and 29% use cocaine.

Download In a glimpse, statistics on people receiving care in specialised drug treatment centres in 2020 (254 Ko, 1p.)










Drugs in Europe

2023 EMCDDA European Drug Report

The European Drug Report 2023: Trends and Developments presents the EMCDDA’s latest analysis of the drug situation in Europe. Focusing on illicit drug use, related harms and drug supply, the report contains a comprehensive set of national data across these themes and key harm-reduction interventions. This report is based on information provided to the EMCDDA by the EU Member States, the candidate country Türkiye, and Norway, in an annual reporting process.

  Statistical Bulletin 2023

The annual Statistical Bulletin contains the most recent available data on the drug situation in Europe provided by the Member States. These datasets underpin the analysis presented in the European Drug Report. All data may be viewed interactively on screen and downloaded in Excel format.

The European Union and the drug phenomenon

miniFAQDrugsEurope.jpgThe European Union & the drug phenomenon : Frequently asked questions, joint publication between the EMCDDA and the European Commission, october 2010, 12 p.